Our Mission

The mission of Community Health Centers, Inc. is to provide quality patient-centered primary care services to vulnerable and underserved individuals regardless of their ability to pay.
Vision Statement
It is CHC’s vision that culturally relevant primary health care is available, accessible, affordable, appropriate, excellent and desirable to community members, particularly for individuals, families and groups who are vulnerable and underserved.
Our Philosophy
We strive to accomplish the mission without imposing the financial barriers to care found in many of today’s health care delivery systems and we make efforts to provide care to insured and uninsured patients. In other words, care is provided regardless of ability to pay. Our strategy to meet this mission includes:
Employing the best trained clinical and professional staff and providing comprehensive services in convenient, one-stop locations;
Maintaining modern and attractive physical locations with evening and weekend office hours that meet our client’s needs;
Understanding and adapting to the expanding ethnic and cultural diversity of Utah and providing culturally sensitive services;
Offering all services to patients at competitive fees with our neighboring health care providers, and seeking external grant and other financial resources in order to offer a discounted sliding fee based on family income to the medically under-served, medically uninsured and/or other special risk populations.